
Councilwoman Mary Jeffcoat’s Recusals 2016-2019

  1. September 25, 2018-Resolution R2018-39 amending and supplementing Resolution R2018-17, declaring the intention of the City of Myrtle Beach to reimburse itself for certain expenses of 2018 Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Projects with the proceeds of tax increment bonds to be issued in 2018; This resolution preserves the tax-exempt status of the proposed bond issue int eh event the City need to pay some project expenses from its own funds before the bonds close. On 4/10/18, Council adopted R2018-017 declaring its intention to finance certain redevelopment projects in the Base Redevelopment District with bond proceeds.  The projects included $7,000,000 in Public Infrastructure Projects in support of continuing private development: 1) addition of 3rd level to the parking structure on De Ville Street, 2) P1 & P2 parking structure modifications/improvements, 3) Construction of public restroom facilities at Valor Park, 4) replacement of equipment & expansion of Howard Street Playground, and 5) Public Infrastructure improvements to roads, sidewalks, drainage, water, sanitary sewer, landscaping & irrigation on XYZ parcel.  The resolution adds $6.3 million in public safety projects to the list for expanding to the Police Annex on Mustang Avenue; replacing the firing range; and adding surveillance cameras on public streets & parking facilities.  The debt service increase was anticipated in the 2018 redevelopment plan amendment.  AND Ordinance 2018-57 to amend the Market Common Master Plan additional permitted uses subsection of the site zoning summary section to add “kennels and animal boarding facilities, indoor” as a conditional use; The Market Common Master Plan does not allow commercial kennels of any type. In May 2017 Council a Master Plan Amendment to allow Veterinary Day Clinics as a permitted use.  The proposed amendment would allow overnight boarding (indoors only) with the following conditions: 1) Facilities are located only in the Phase 1 area (bounded by Hackler, Johnson, Phillis & Farrow, 2) boarding is for dogs and cats only, 3) space shall be sound proofed by an architect or engineer, 4) pet waste must go into an indoor animal relief system.
  2. December 11, 2018-(under 2019)- 2nd reading Ordinance 2018-65 a supplemental ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Redevelopment Project Area), Series 2018, in the aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,000,000; prescribing the form and details of such bonds; and other matters relating thereto; The Redevelopment Authority adopted its 2018 Plan amendment on May 15, 2018, and the City concurred in the plan amendment on August 18, 2018. Pursuant to these actions this ordinance provides for issuance of Air Base Redevelopment District TIFF bonds secured by the incremental tax revenues of the District.  The authority to issue this TIFF debt expires in December 2020.  Projects proposed include:
    • Addition of a third deck on the DeVille St. Parking Garage
    • Other improvements to parking facilities P1 and P2.
    • Updating the Howard Avenue Playground.
    • Adding public restroom facilities in Valor Park.
    • Public infrastructure to support development of the hotel on the XYZ parcel.
    • Law enforcement annex expansion on mustang avenue.
    • CCTV Cameras & supporting hardware for public streets and parking areas.
  3. Once the  bond are issued and the two remaining projects from the 2006 TIF bond issue have been closed out, the City expects to request that the Redevelopment Authority distribute surplus funds annually in the approximate initial amounts of $1.3 million to the City, $900,000 to the County, and $2.1 million to Horry County Schools. AND 2nd Reading Ordinance 2018-66 relating to the recovery of collection costs as part of delinquent debts collected pursuant to the Set-Off Debt Collection Act;  The City authorized the Municipal Association of South Carolina (MASC) to act as a claimant agency under the Set-Off Debt Collection Act (the “Act”) by adoption of Ordinance 2006-89.  MASC acts as a claimant agency for political subdivisions under the Act.  The City currently collects $60,000.00 to $70,000.00/year through this program. This ordinance provides language that MASC has requested to clarify that: the administrative fee charged by MASC is a cost collection incurred by the City arising through the contract and is properly collectible.  The City may also charge administrative costs that are properly collectible in an amount not exceeding $25 under the Act and Ordinance, should the City elect to recover the internal costs.
  4. August 23, 2016- 1st Reading Ordinance 2016-66 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of not exceeding $50,000,000 Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Project Area), Series 2016, of the City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding tax increment bonds; fixing the form and details of the bonds; limiting the payment of the bonds from the sources provided herein; providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof; providing for the terms and conditions under which additional bonds may be issued; and other matters relating thereto. This ordinance was moved to the regular agenda and the following action taken: Recused herself assume for husband but not stated.  Mike Shelton reviewed ordinance.  AND Motion 2016-126 to accept a grant from the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority in the amount of $275,000 for the purpose of creating a design plan, purchasing landscaping materials and other amenities to be used in the Grand Pak, Linear Park extension off of Air Park Drive.  Moved to regular agenda.  Recused herself doesn’t say why assume husband.  Motion to approve donation of $275,000.00 from the MBAFB Redevelopment authority.  AND Motion 2016-129 to accept a donation of $3,748 from the MBAFB Redevelopment Authority for reimbursement of cost associated with the Wing Commander Sign Project at Whispering Pines Golf Course and to appropriate this funding in fiscal year 2016.
  5. September 13, 2016- 2nd Reading Ordinance 2016-66 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of not exceeding $50,000,000 Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds (Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Project Area), Series 2016, of the City of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding tax increment bonds; fixing the form and details of the bonds; limiting the payment of the bonds from the sources provided herein; providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof; providing for the terms and conditions under which additional bonds may be issued; and other matters relating thereto. This ordinance was moved to the regular agenda and the following action taken: Recused herself assume for husband but not stated.  Mike Shelton reviewed the background of the bonds and the reason and benefit of refunding.  It is currently economically feasible to act at this time.  The structure proposed does not extend maturity of the bonds.  Refunding under lower interest provides a savings of approximately $300,000 + per year.  Expect to price the bonds September 22n and close on the 29th.  The rating agencies were here last week.  They were toured through The Market Common, Base Recreation Center and the old base property.  AND Motion 2016-132 to approve a Special Event Permit to BEI-Beach, LLC for the “Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at The Market Common” In the area adjacent to the Grand 14 Cinema on November 19, 2016, with festivities beginning at 6:00 p.m. and lasting until 8:00 p.m.  Entertainment will include games, balloon artist, trackless train, mascots, brass band holiday choral, face painter and Santa.  The event will include partial closing of Reed St. and Deville St. (as shown in site plan).  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate.  Recused: as husband represents party involved.  Approves the tree lighting ceremony.  Val Rosser, Director of Risk Management, and a representative of the applicant reviewed the plans for the event.
  6. October 11, 2016 -Recused: any involvement or discussion related to Ordinance 2016-74 amending the market Common Master Plan-Husband. An Ordinance to amend the Market Common Master Plan converting 23 live/work units to 23 townhomes.  Ed Carey stated his concern with taking out the live/work units.  He also stated no one has seen what is being built on site.  He went on to say he heard today what is being planned and expressed concern.  There has been a 6-month period previously approved to allow for an opportunity to find a developer for the live/work units in R-5.  That period has now expired.  Ed Carey objected to the fact that no one in the community knows exactly what is going to be put into this project.  He supported the live/work units and also objected to the diversity of the product being proposed and argued these plans need to be presented to the existing community.
  7. July 26, 2016- 2nd reading Ordinance 2016-55- An Ordinance authorizing and approving a Development Agreement for Market Common and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof by the City Manager; and other matters relating thereto. Recused: No reason listed assume due to husband. Recused from any action or discussion. Mike Shelton reviewed the Ordinance.  The Agreement term has been extended for a term of 5 years as provided for under state law.  The current agreement expires in August.  Notice of Public hearing related to this and Ordinance 2016-56 was advertised in The Herald and held on July 12, 2016 and July 26, 2016.  AND 2nd Reading Ordinance 2016-56 An Ordinance approving the forms of amendments to the public infrastructure improvements purchase agreement and related project documents for Market Common and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof by the City Manager; and other matters relating thereto.  This allows developer to complete public infrastructure improvements.  Recused: No reason listed assume due to husband.  Mike Shelton reviewed the ordinance. The Letter of Credit related to the public infrastructure improvements has been reduced to $1,250,000.
  8. July 12, 2016- 1st reading Ordinance 2016-55- An Ordinance authorizing and approving a Development Agreement for Market Common and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof by the City Manager; and other matters relating thereto. Approved. This extends the development agreement for 5 years. Recused: No reason listed assume due to husband. AND 1st Reading Ordinance 2016-56 An Ordinance approving the forms of amendments to the public infrastructure improvements purchase agreement and related project documents for Market Common and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof by the City Manager; and other matters relating thereto. This allows developer to complete public infrastructure improvements.
  9. April 12, 2016- 1st Reading Ordinance 2016-14 An ordinance to amend the Market Common Master Plan converting 22 live/work units to 23 townhomes, and converting 88 townhomes to 50 single family homes. Pedersen reviewed. Recommends Applicant and staff get together prior to 2nd reading.  Ronald Hancock, Sweetgrass area at the Market Common, addressed the issue of parking. Recommended the use of the parking garages would help alleviate some of the problem.  Commented the greatest demand currently is for single family.  There is little demand for live/work units and it is difficult to secure financing for this.  Does not feel the urban village concept will be negatively impacted by changing to single family.  Loss of parking spaces in R-2 can be relieved by parking in other areas.  Supported moving forward with proposed plan R-5 ha been removed from the request.  Chris Folger with Home Fed. Corp., owner of the Market Common.  He confirmed live/work units are difficult to finance.  Developer believes there is sufficient retail at the Market Common at the present time.  Live/work struggles nationwide.  Home Fed is a public company based in San Francisco.  Primarily do master plan communities; do land planning.  Deal with land and sell to builders.  Ed Clearly addressed the single family homes.  Currently there is a parcel designating free parking.  Phil Pecora, Toffinos owner, also addressed parking. Said R-3 had two additional parking lots. Recommended this is a good time to bring in residents/developer/staff to look at the big picture and identify possible parking spaces. Looking at the big pictures there has been a tremendous loss of parking.  Carol Coleman, Planning Director, was asked to address parking.  She stated there is area for parking and some of the existing parking is underused.  Councilman Render stated he is at the Market Common everyday and has not had difficulty with parking if you are willing to walk a little.  Ed Clearly stated the Master Plan 2005 and 2007 shows future parking lots as public parking area.
  10. January 12, 2016- 2nd Reading Ordinance 2015-75 An ordinance to amend the Market Common Master Plan, converting 198 townhome & condo units in the R-7/C-4 Section (Farrow Pkwy, Howard Ave, and Iris St) to 122 apartments in two buildings with security gates, surface parking and amenities.
  11. August 14, 2018- 2nd Reading 2018-49 concurring in amendments to the Redevelopment and Financing Plan of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority, as amended; and other matters relating thereto; MBAFBRA has amended the Redevelopment Plan to modify the project list and facilitate distribution of surplus funds to taxing districts. The projects deleted or fund reduced due to inactivity or change in feasibility are the Natatorium, Boat landing, Community School, Grand Park Phase V, Linear Park Extension.  Projects added to the Plan include:
    • Renewal, reconstruction, repair and remodeling of Redevelopment Projects (streets, parking, storm water, park facilities, and CCTV cameras).
    • Public infrastructure to serve HomeFed’s proposed development of two remaining parcels in Market Common.
    • Extension of taxiway from Shine Avenue to new airport hangar site.
    • Extension of Howard Avenue to Emory Road.
    • Grand Park, improvements to Phases I-IV.
    • Playground expansion/safety measures for Grand Park alternative rec facilities.
    • Police and fire Station expansion and renovation to sites in the district.

    By adopting this proposed ordinance, the City formally concurs with proposed amendment.  This approval is required to issue TIF Bonds to fund these project expenses.

  12. August 28, 2018- Motion M2018-71 to appoint/reappoint one member to the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority to replace Wilson Cain. This term expires June 30, 2020.  The Authority is comprised of 9 members, three of whom are appointed by the City, three by the County, one by the Governor (all subject to confirmation of the Legislature), and two from the Legislature itself.  The City has received applications from Kevin Gunn, Robin Guthridge, John Maxwell, Mark Mancini, Carl Siversten, and Michael Snow.  Recused due to husband’s representation of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Authority.  Motion to appoint Michael Snow
  13. October 25, 2016- 2nd Reading Ordinance to amend The Market Common Master Plan.
  14. October 9, 2018- 2nd Reading Ordinance 2018-57 to amend the Market Common Master Plan additional permitted uses subsection of the site zoning summary section to add “kennels and animal boarding facilities, indoor” as a conditional use. The Market Common Master Plan does not allow commercial kennels of any type. In May 2017 Council a Master Plan Amendment to allow Veterinary Day Clinics as a permitted use.  The proposed amendment would allow overnight boarding (indoors only) with the following conditions: 1) Facilities are located only in the Phase 1 area (bounded by Hackler, Johnson, Phillis & Farrow, 2) boarding is for dogs and cats only, 3) space must be sound proofed by an architect or engineer, 4) pet waste must go into an indoor animal relief system.  Residential buildings in Phase 1 (above the commercial units) are separate from the commercial buildings below.  The commercial units do not share a ceiling/floor w/the residential units.  AND Motion 2018-140 to approve a Special Event Permit to BEI- Beach, LLC for the “Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Market Common” in the area adjacent to the Grand 14 Cinema on Saturday, November 17, 2018, from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate;  This is an 11th year event which features music, games, inflatables, entertainers, a visit from Santa, and the lighting of the Market Common Christmas Tree.   The event includes temporary road closures of Reed Street (between Deville and Howard), and Deville (between Blizzard and Nevers.)
  15. March 26, 2019- Motion M2019-40 to approve a Special Events Permit to Caitlen Buffkin/BEI-Beach LLC for the Taste of the Market Common and Sidewalk Sale, May 4, 2019 from 11:00 am-4pm. The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate; Tickets will be sold for food tastings at the Market Common restaurants. Each of the participating restaurants will have 10 x 10 tent and table outside their restaurant.  There will be bounce houses, music, various vendors, and a sidewalk sale for the Market Common merchants.  The applicant is aware that she must pay for any City services. Recused due to Husband’s representation. AND Motion M2019-41 to approve a Special Events Permit to Caitlen Buffkin/BEI- Beach LLC for the Farmers’ Market, to be held every Wednesday from 3pm-7pm and Saturday from 10 am-3pm from May 4, 2019 to August 4, 2019. The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event as circumstances dictate; Each of the participating farmers and artisans will have 10×10 tent and table along Deville St. The applicant is aware she must pay for any city services. Recused due to Husband’s representation.  Motion to approve. Motion passed.  AND M2019-42 to approve a Special Events Permit to Caitlen Buffkin/BEI- Beach LLC for the Farmers’ Market, to be held every Wednesday from 3pm-7pm and Saturday from 10 am-3pm from August 4, 2019-September 28, 2019. The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event as circumstances dictate; Each of the participating farmers and artisans will have 10×10 tent and table along Deville St. The applicant is aware she must pay for any city services.. AND Motion M2019-43 to approve a Special Event Permit to Caitlen Buffkin/BEI-Beach, LLC for the Concerts on the Green to be held Thursdays at Valor Park in Market Common on June 20, 2019, July 18, 2019 and August 15, 2019 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event as circumstances dictate; This event includes live music and vendors around the park, including alcohol sales. The park will be barricaded, however, no in-kind services or street closures are requested.  Market Common security, maintenance, and marketing staff will be present and two off-duty police officers will be hired for additional security. AND Motion M2019-44 to approve a Special Event Permit Caitlen Buffkin/BEI-Beach, LLC for the Market Common Carriage Rides, unanimously approved by the Special Events Technical Review Committee, to be held every Tuesday from June 4, 2019 through August 27, 2019 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate. The event includes allowing a Horse Drawn carriage to carry guests through Market Common.  The promoter anticipates that the event will draw approximately 50 guests per evening and asks to close two parking spaces on Howard Avenue in front of Dulce Lusso Salon for Carriage pick-up and drop-off.
  16. May 14, 2019- Motion 2019-71 to approve a Special Events Permit to Caitlen Buffkin/ BEI- Beach LLC for a Pet Appreciation event, May 18, 2019 from 11 am-4:00 pm. The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate; This event Is proposed to take place in front of Grand 14 Movie Theater at the Market Common.  The expected attendance is approximately 250.  The applicant understands that she must pay for any City Services.
  17. August 13, 2019- Resolution R2019-37 to accept the dedication of those certain rights-of-way within the Market Common R-13 subdivision; This resolution is consistent with a long-standing City policy and practice regarding the “acceptance” of residential streets into the City’s street system. These streets are initially built by the subdivision’s developer.  When construction is complete, and the streets have been determined to have been properly constructed and meeting all City Standards, they are formally accepted into the City System by the City Council  The City is thereafter responsible for all roadway maintenance.  The following streets are proposed for dedication (acceptance) into the City’s system Peterson Street, William Hook Street, Air Force Lance, Cope Alley, Means Circle, Kalcevic Alley, Crowell Lane, and Binder alley.  All are located in the market common area. AND
  18. Motion 2019-105 to approve a Special Event Permit to BEI-Beach, LLC for the “Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Market Common” in the area adjacent to the Grand 14 Cinema on November 23, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate; This annual event features choral groups, kids’ games, inflatables, trains, face painters and a balloon artist.  A heavy-set special guest with a beard and a red suit is also scheduled to be in attendance.  Temporary road closures include Reed Street (Deville to Howard) and Deville (Blizzard to Nevers) AND Motion M2019-106 granting a Special Event Permit to BEI Beach, LLC for “Holiday Bazaar, Carriage Rides, Pictures with Santa, and Music in the Streets” for the period October 1, 2019-December 30, 2019.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate.  This Special Event is the annual holiday season series in the Market Common featuring hay and carriage rides on Howard Avenue and Deville Street, a holiday bazaar in the median of Howard, and music and pictures with Santa in front of the movie theater. The event requires the use of two public parking spaces on Howard for the carriage rides, and two on Reed Street for the hay rides.
  19. March 22, 2016- 1st Reading Ordinance 2016-14- An Ordinance to amend the Market Common Master Plan, converting 33 live/work units to 23 townhomes, and converting 88 townhomes to 50 single family homes. – Motion to continue and send to the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority for their review.
  20. April 26, 2016- Motion M2016-67 granting Special Event Permit to BEI Beach, LLC for “Carriage Rides, Farmers Market, Face Painting, and Music in the Streets” for the period June 1, 2016-August 31, 2016, for the purpose of approving farmers’ markets, carriage rides, face painting, music and moveable signs on the sidewalks to promote activities. The farmers’ market will include the closing of Deville Street on Saturdays and the carriage rides will include the closing of two parking spaces on Howard Avenue.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate.  AND Motion M2016-68 granting Special Event Permit to BEI Beach, LLC for “Carriage Rides, Farmers Market, Face Painting, and Music in the Streets” for the period September 1, 2016-November 30, 2016, for the purpose of approving farmers’ markets, carriage rides, face painting, music and moveable signs on the sidewalks to promote activities.  The farmers’ market will include the closing of Deville Street on Saturdays and the carriage rides will include the closing of two parking spaces on Howard Avenue.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate. AND Motion M2016-69 granting Special Event Permit to BEI Beach, LLC for “Carriage Rides, Farmers Market, Face Painting, and Music in the Streets” for the period December 1, 2016-February 28, 2016, for the purpose of approving farmers’ markets, carriage rides, face painting, music and moveable signs on the sidewalks to promote activities.  The farmers’ market will include the closing of Deville Street on Saturdays and the carriage rides will include the closing of two parking spaces on Howard Avenue.  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to these plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate.  . AND 2nd Reading Ordinance 2016-14 An Ordinance to Amend the Market Common Master Plan converting 22 live/work units to 23 townhomes, and converting 88 townhomes to 50 single family homes.
  21. November 8, 2016- Resolution R2016-68 granting a special event permit to B.E.I. Beach-LLC/The Market Common for “A Southern Times Square” on December 31, 2016 and affirming the City’s co-sponsorship. Moved to regular agenda. Recused: not stated assume husband. The resolution was approved with City approving no fee to be charged for the use of Valor Park.  AND Motion 2016-169 to adopt the Assessment Role for Area “A” of the Municipal Improvement District located on the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base.  Moved to regular agenda.  Recused: no reason stated assume husband.
  22. December 13, 2016- Motion M2016-179 to accept a grant from the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism in the amount of $100,000 for the purpose of constructing a trailhead and outdoor educational classroom at the Avenger API Trail, renovation of a vacant building near the trail to provide ADA complaint public restroom facility, and lighting along the trail in Grand Park. Local match funded by Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority.  Moved to Regular Agenda Motion to approve acceptance of the grant.  AND Motion 2016-181 to accept a donation for the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority in the amount of $50,000 for the construction of the East Coast Greenway Trail Head with signage, picnic shelter and a bicycle repair stand on the former Douglas property along Kings Highway near Seagate village.
  23. January 23, 2018- Motion M2018-15- to appoint one member to the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority to replace Gen. Robert H. Reed. This term will expire June 30, 2018;
  24. April 17, 2018- Motion M2018-70- to express the support of City Council for the Air Force Redevelopment Authority’s proposed 2018 Amendment of the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Plan; Recused due to husband’s representation of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Authority. AND M2018-71- to appoint two members to the Air Base Redevelopment Authority to serve the unexpired terms of Gen Robert Reed and Wilson Cain.  We have received resumes from Thomas Webb, Mark Mancini, Robin “Pug” Gutridge, and Carl Siversten. Recused due to husband’s representation of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Authority. Motion to appoint Thomas Webb to replace Gen. Robert Reed.
  25. July 10, 2018- Ordinance 2018-49 concurring in amendments to the Redevelopment and Financing Plan of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Redevelopment Authority, as amended; and other matters relating thereto; Recused due to husband’s representation of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base Authority.
  26. January 23, 2018- Motion M2018-15- to appoint one member to the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority to replace Gen. Robert H. Reed. This term will expire June 30, 2019.  Moved to regular agenda.  Recused: No reason stated- but I believe because of Husband’s representation
  27. October 10, 2017- Motion M2017-121- to approve a Special Event Permit to BEI-Beach, LLC for the “Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Market Common” in the area adjacent to the Grand 14 Cinema on November 18, 2017, with festivities beginning at 6:00 p.m. and lasting until 8:00 p.m. Entertainment with games, balloon artist, trackless train, mascots, brass band, holiday choral, face painter, food vendors and Santa.  The event will include partial closing of Reed St., and Deville St. (as shown in the site plan).  The City Manager is authorized to make changes to base plans as he deems necessary in keeping with the nature of the event and as circumstances dictate.  AND Motion M2017-125 to accept a grant from the Myrtle Beach Air Base Redevelopment Authority in the amount of $200,000 for the purpose of renovating the former Air Force building at 2290 Farrow Parkway, creating an outdoor classroom, creating parking area, and amenities to support the building and trailhead in the linear park.
  28. November 14, 2017- Resolution R2017-53 to accept the dedication of those certain roadways known as McKinley Way (One Way) and Satterwhite Way (One Way), located between Shine Avenue and Johnson Avenue, Market Common Parcel R9 South. Moved to Regular Agenda. Recused: No reason state- but I believe because of Husband’s representation. AND Resolution R2017-54- to accept the dedication of those certain roadways known as Kruzel Street Street A and Meeks Lane located between Shine Avenue and Murray Avenue, Market Common Parcels R9 and R10 North. Moved to Regular Agenda. AND Motion M2017-133- to adopt the Assessment Role for Area “A” of the Municipal Improvement District located on the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base.  
  29. December 12, 2017- Motion M2017-152- to accept an Alliance for Community of Trees and CSX Tree Restoration program grant in the amount of $6,500.00 to defray the cost of Riparian Planting Project in the Grand Park linear park extension. No matching funds required.

paid for by: Committee to elect john krajc for city council

Three Ring Focus