
Myrtle Beach Political Issues

  1. Public safety

I believe public safety should be the number one priority of city government. We need to continue investing in police officers, firefighters and other programs that will make Myrtle Beach safe for our families. We must collaborate with our law enforcement and first responders to keep our city safe.

  • Police recruiting is a nationwide challenge that we must work together to solve through innovative solutions.
  • Pedestrian and traffic safety are paramount. Continuing to increase availability of walking paths, safe crosswalks, and bike lanes is important as we grow.

I am proud that since being elected in 2019, we have raised the starting pay of our police officers to one of the highest in the State of South Carolina, and have seen a decrease in Part 1 crimes across our city.

  1. Accountability

City Hall should be transparent and accountable to taxpayers. We must ensure that every taxpayer dollar is used responsibly, and that residents can see changes that are being promised.

  • Our residents and businesses must feel like the communication channels are open, broad, and robust. Not only for public meetings, but also on a day-to-day basis.
  • Continue to work to implement a citywide 311 information/help system by Spring 2024. This will be both live caller and phone app focused.

I am proud that because of the accountability brought to city hall, we received numerous awards for excellence in financial reporting.

  1. Downtown Redevelopment

Economic growth in Myrtle Beach needs to be focused on revitalizing and redeveloping our downtown area. I will continue to be a resource for businesses interested in this up-and-coming area, and encourage well thought out, and new ideas to help our city stand apart. We need to invest in our future in the heart of where this city began.

  • Continue toward building a new library with the focus being on making it an innovative community space. A 21st century offering for those in our area and beyond.
  • Fostering a culture of the arts for all our residents stretching from Market Common to Dunes Club.
  • Ensuring accountability and proper master planning for the properties purchased East of Kings Highway.

I am proud that since being elected in 2019, we have taken a proactive stance on resolving “problem properties” in our downtown area, resulting in a 50% decrease in first responder calls for service in the targeted area.

  1. Investing in infrastructure, Managing our growth

Our city continues to be one of the fastest growing in the nation and is predicted to remain that way for the next decade or more. Maintaining a proactive approach to improving the quality of life and safety through infrastructure is vital.

  • We must work to improve and add sidewalks and bicycle lanes as well as intersection enhancements such as visible crosswalks and audible crossing signals.
  • Stormwater enhancements such as ocean outfalls and capacity engineering must be continued to maintain resiliency when mother nature comes calling.
  • I will be an advocate for not only preserving the dedicated open and green space that we currently have but working to grow our green space assets for the future of our residents.
  • Making sure we maintain a strong relationship with important government entities such as Horry County Council, the Horry County Transportation Committee, and the South Carolina Department of Transportation to ensure we get our share of road funding.

I am proud that since being elected in 2019, I have voted to invest over $100 million on vital infrastructure projects and not only added green spaces, but enhanced several of the open and recreation spaces that we currently have.

  1. Business-Friendly Initiatives

We need leaders on City Council who will work tirelessly to make Myrtle Beach one of the most business-friendly cities in South Carolina.  We must do more to support small businesses and attract jobs beyond tourism.

  • Advocate for rewriting our antiquated zoning code that has not had a major rewrite since the 1970s.
  • Continuing to add to our economic development playbook

I am proud that since being elected in 2019, we have added two major management roles with deep backgrounds in economic development, but also our first Chief Innovation Officer.

  1. Looking to the Future

I continue to work to forge necessary relationships with leaders in government and private enterprise that can serve as a resource for our community on local, state, and federal levels.

  • I will support Mayor Brenda Bethune and her vision that over the past six years has moved Myrtle Beach in the right direction. We must continue to move our city toward a better future for generations to come.
  • I will continue toward my Advanced Municipal Elected Officials Institute graduation, which should be completed in Spring 2024.

I am proud that since being elected in 2019, I graduated from the Municipal Elected Officials Institute in only 2 years, taking classes in public safety, government finance, and other areas.

paid for by: Committee to elect john krajc for city council

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